10 questions for Karpe before 10 concerts in Spektrum – news Culture and entertainment

Question 1: Over 100,000 tickets have been sold for 10 concerts in Oslo Spektrum. No one else has done this before you. The first concert is on Saturday. Stressed? Chirag: Yes, more than usual. Magdi: We think about all the details that need to be put in place before the show – so yes. Question 2: On a scale from zero to hugely revealing. To what extent are you going to reveal some of what will happen in Spektrum in this interview? Chirag: It is difficult not to reveal anything, because we are only thinking about the concerts now. Magdi: Hmmm… Chirag: This feels like an interrogation. news tries to deceive information. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 3: You have filled Spektrum before. What kind of concert can people expect this time? Magdi: It’s not a concert. It is a trade fair. And a product demonstration. Question 4: Um…what do you mean by that? (must use an extra question here in an attempt to understand the previous answer, journ.note) Magdi: It is difficult to explain… Chirag: …but this is something we have been working on for a long time and it has been postponed several times due to the pandemic. This has meant that we have spent even more time on it. We have now expanded the scope for what we can do, says Chirag Rashmikant Patel. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 5: Has the show changed since it was launched in 2019 (with a certain airline in the then title, we’ll come back to that)? Magdi: Yes, we have changed the show all the way. The fact that we were so isolated during the pandemic has, among other things, made us want to have more people involved. Chirag: The dance crew The Quick Style has been with us on stage at the festivals this summer. They are completely unique and it will be great fun to be able to showcase dance in Spektrum as well. Oops! Now I’ll divulge a little. Karpe plans the concerts together with production designer Sebastian Ekeberg. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 6: At the risk of ending up on Chirag’s Twitter account (who earlier this year tweeted about strange questions he received from journalists), I will not ask what you think about the SAS strike. But do you think that the SAS effects you use in connection with the “SAS PLUS/SAS PUSSY” project have gained more or less importance recently? Chirag: People may not be as positive anymore. (laughter) Magdi: We didn’t know when we created the SAS project that the company would become so controversial. We have to admit that. (more laughter) Question 7: You have stated that you have had doubts about how long you can continue. And there has been uncertainty about what happens to Karpe after the Spektrum concerts. Are you going to continue after the Spektrum concerts or not? Chirag: We are lucky to be allowed to do this here now. And then it feels strange to have to stop when so many people want to hear us. Then we almost have to play a little more. Magdi: I feel this is the beginning of the third part of our career. The audience decides, but I have never felt more motivated and more free to do what we want. Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid is concerned with all the details that must be put in place before the historic concert series. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 8: What would you like to do after Spektrum? Chirag: We had a positive surprise with our latest musical project (which mixes linguistic and musical cultures to a greater extent than before, journ.anm. again). We underestimated the audience and thought that “Omar Sheriff” was a narrower project for Karpe. So… Chirag continues: …we live in a country where people want to hear songs about beer and sausages and the beach, which of course we have also tried ourselves, and we thought perhaps that the Norwegian people’s soul was not ready for that type music we released earlier this year. But we were quite wrong there. It perhaps expands the space for what we can imagine doing more of. Preparations are being made both day and night. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 9: You are probably fed up with the question of whether you will continue to (mainly) rap in Norwegian, so here is a variant of the question: Do you intend to only invest in the Norwegian market in the future? Magdi: Those who grew up in Norway understand our texts and references better than others. Although we have roots elsewhere, we were born and raised here. Chirag: Norway is a young nation when it comes to multiculturalism. And there is a lot of unplowed ground when it comes to mixing culture and language in music. Magdi: We don’t want to start rapping in English. But it would have been exciting to see if the cultural combinations we use can reach something beyond Norway’s borders. Discuss how the scene should look. news was not allowed to take pictures of this. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Question 10: What is… Or wait, we won’t have time for more questions. I am told by the PR people to round off the interview. Good luck with the concerts then! Carp: Thank you! Carp should not give in to Spektrum. This is the beginning of the third part of their career, they both feel. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news
