İle[{” attribute=””>Cassini spacecraft, built by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, safely in orbit around Saturn, science takes center stage, beginning with the dramatic descent of the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe to the surface of Saturn’s shrouded moon Titan.
For some scientists, Titan has been a higher priority for exploration than even Saturn itself. That’s because Titan may resemble what Earth was like billions of years ago. There, Huygens and Cassini will find lakes and seas of liquid methane and signs of volcanos gushing out icy water from an ocean hidden beneath Titan’s icy shell. And whenever water is mentioned, it’s not long before the question is raised: “Is this a place that could possibly support life?” The same question will be asked about Saturn’s moon Enceladus, where geysers were found to be spewing water ice particles out into space. These are but two of the unexpected discoveries made by this international mission that won over the hearts of millions worldwide while fundamentally altering the way we view our solar system.
NASA’nın Cassini misyonunun öyküsünü anlatan bu, bir dizi belgeselin sonuncusudur, “JPL ve Uzay Çağı. Bu filmler, insanlığın evrene ilk adımlarını yeniden anlatmak için nadir arşiv görüntülerini ve Jet Tahrik Laboratuvarı’ndan öncü mühendisler ve bilim adamlarıyla yapılan röportajları kullanır. Kredi: NASA’nın Jet Tahrik Laboratuvarı
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